By being proactive and fostering a healthy environment for kids in Norwood, we can prevent youth substance use from boiling over into a bigger problem. There are a number of factors (protective factors) at different levels—from the individual to the community—that can keep the heat down for adolescents in Norwood.


+ Community Level

  • Physical and mental safety in school, and the community
  • Having an appropriate daily structure that include limits, rules, monitoring and predictability
  • Supportive relationships with teachers, other school personnel, and adults across the community
  • Opportunities to be involved in the community
  • Positive social norms, such as expectations and values
  • Opportunities for skill building
  • Integration of family, school and community efforts

+ Family Level

  • Physical and mental safety
  • Apprpriate structure. This could mean having clear rules and expectations for youth when it comes to substance use
  • Supportive relationships with family members
  • Opportunies to belong
  • Positive social norms, such as expectations and values
  • Opportunities for skill building
  • Integration of family, school and community efforts

+ Individual Level

It's important that the community and family help develop the following protective factors at the individual level:

  • Positive physical development, meaning healthy habits and risk management skills
  • Positive intellectual development in life, school, vocational skills, critical thinking, cultural competence and knowledge
  • Positive psychological development, meaning youth have positive self-esteem, coping skills, responsibility, motivation, morals and values
  • Positive social development which includes connectedness to peers, family and community and attachement to institutions, such as school or extracurricular activities