Prescription Drug Misuse


Information for parents

Learn the facts about prescription drug misuse and how to talk to your child about drugs, the side effects of misuse and a step-by-step guide to help if you suspect your teen is already misusing prescription drugs. 

Click here for more information. 

information for teens

Teens can learn about what prescription drug misuse is, what it does to the brain and body, where to go if you suspect someone is misusing prescription drugs and other general information.  

Click here for more information.  


Proper storage and disposal

According to data, most teenagers who misuse prescription drugs gain access to them through friends and family.  It's important that any unused medication is disposed of at a prescription drug drop off kiosk, and medications currently in use are secured properly.  

In Norwood, you can drop off unused prescription medications at the Prescription Drug Drop-Box located in the lobby of the Norwood Police Station. 

Find out more about medication safety here. 

Opioid misuse prevention: student athletes

Student athletes are more likely to be prescribed an opioid because of sports injuries.  This information can help parents navigate not only injuries related to sports, but other injuries and dental procedures as well.  Learn how to manage injuries, talk to you doctor about opioid prescriptions and get the facts about opioids. 

Click here for more information.