Person-First Language
The words we use matter. When discussing mental health and addiction it's tough to know what the "right" language is. We want to be sensitive, polite and politically correct. It's so much more than that, though. The words we use can have an impact on people with substance use disorders. Our language can make a difference on whether or not a person decides to seek treatment. The list below provides some alternatives to the words we commonly use or hear to show that people with substance use disorders are just that--people.
Addict = Person with substance use disorder
Alcoholic = Person with alcohol use disorder
Drug problem, drug habit = Substance use disorder
Drug abuse = Drug misuse, harmful use
Drug abuser = Person with substance use disorder
Clean = Abstinent, not actively using
Dirty = Actively using
A clean drug screen = Testing negative for substance use
A dirty drug screen = Testing positive for substance use
Former/reformed addict/alcoholic = Person in recovery, person in long-term recovery
Opioid replacement, methadone maintenance = Medication assisted treatment